Monday, September 29, 2014

List of Spaces, Matrix & Bubble Diagram


  1. Hi again Stephanie,

    I notice in your special considerations that you have 5 restaurants on the ground floor and 1 on the rooftop adjacent your culinary school. There is a real danger that these spaces just become boxes on plan with a scatter of tables dotted in them. A lot of your precedents show real character in these spaces and you should try establish a really strong concept that will guide these 6 restaurants, and the coffee shop, bakery, etc. They all should have a strong identity that will guide your architecture and visitors to your building, and if you get a strong concept for each, it will really help drive you when designing.

    1. Hello Murph,
      I was thinking since most culinary schools have their own restaurants, that my culinary school's restaurant would be located on the rooftop and will only be open on certain days and certain times. Since my site is a box, I am finding difficulty in finding a way to break out the box and adding appealing structures.

    2. Hi Stephanie,

      I reckon you can break up the space easily if you can sort a strong concept/ parti for the foodcourt and the building in general. The likes of Libeskind and Hadid are generally good at starting with a simple idea (deconstruct the star of David - Jewish museum, Berlin) and using that strong concept to drive the architecture. I don't necessarily agree with this approach for every building, but something like your food court needs something to help break up that mass. Another good example is the Nordic Embassies in Berlin ( which use a simple idea to split up one building into 6 smaller buildings, all wrapped with the one skin.

      Again, your architecture doesn't need to literally split into different buildings, but you can use lots of different thinks to help create smaller spaces. Your site has a few different grids clashing together, can you use them to your advantage. Similarly, its got a few existing links and paths leading to it - can you extend them into your building? Can you use key views out of your site to help split it up, by carrying the line of sight through your building?

      What type of restaurants can you put in there to help - are you going to literally pick 5 different types (Chinese, Italian, Indian, etc) and are there basic principles you can drive from their architecture (Japanese tea garden, etc), or can you split them not by type but by the experience in each - for instance, I once did a project on trying to provoke each sense, with a building split into 5 zones for touch, smell, taste, etc, and by twisting and manipulating these zones around different grids, seeing what happens when you clash these senses together. Can any of these spaces push out from the red line boundary into space around?

      Get a great concept for whats in your buidling and I reckon it'll help drive your architecture for the rest of the year and help you make decisions easier.
